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To make the slider work kwicks-1.5.1.pack.js file is used


<div class="pro_kwicks-wrapper">
	<ul class="pro_kwicks"> 
			<div class="pro_slide-kwicks">
				<img src="YourImage.jpg" alt="">
				<div class="pro_kwicks-banner">caption content</div>

In order to create a Kwicks slider you will need:

  1. Create a bulleted list <ul> with kwicks class (<ul class="pro_kwicks">).
  2. 皇冠充值平台
	<div class="pro_slide-kwicks">
		<img src="YourImage.jpg" alt="">
		<div class="pro_kwicks-banner">caption content</div>
  1. You can add links to each of the slides by placing each image to an <a> tag (<a href="#"></a>).